We appeared in the following publications:
October 2024 | Next Reality | Roundtable 4
June 2024 | Wegweiser VDZ + Sharing Cities Alliance | ‘Embarking on a new reality’
May 2024 | The Hague University of Applied Sciences | 'The impact of AI on the field, society & ethics'
April 2024 | Next Reality | Roundtable 3
March 2024 | Government of the Netherlands | Co-founder Harmen van Sprang in national car sharing campaign
November 2023 | Next Reality | Roundtable 2
November 2023 | Sharing Cities Alliance | ‘Robot Kills Digital Human’
October 2023 | Sharing Cities Alliance | ‘Time Travel’
September 2023 | Sharing Cities Alliance | ‘A Future with AI’
September 2023 | Sharing Cities Alliance | ‘Everything you can imagine is real’
September 2023 | University of Amsterdam | ‘Navigating the Sharing Economy and Its Transformative Impact’
July 2023 | New York University + Cornell Tech + Sharing Cities Alliance | ‘Metaverse & Cities Summit’ [VIDEOS]
June 2023 | PwC | ‘Emerging Technologies in Public Sector: Exploring the Metaverse’
June 2023 | City of Rotterdam + Sharing Cities Alliance | ‘Rotterdam & Metaverse’
June 2023 | Inspired People, Inspired Places | ‘Virtual Urban Planning: We're Building This City'
June 2023 | Next Reality | Roundtable 1
June 2023 | Business Contact | 'An overwhelming experience in the metaverse'
April 2023 | Washington, DC government + Sharing Cities Alliance | fireside chat [VIDEO]
April 2023 | New York University + Cornell Tech + Sharing Cities Alliance | ‘Metaverse & Cities Summit’
February 2023 | New York University + Cornell Tech + Sharing Cities Alliance | ‘Cities and the Metaverse: A Connected Future’
February 2023 | European Commission | ‘Metaverse & The City’ perspectives by Rehana Schwinninger-Ladak
January 2023 | Cornell Tech | ‘The Metaverse & The City Manifesto’
December 2022 | Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth (Singapore) | ‘Arts and Culture Digital Roadmap’
November 2022 | HiTech Expert | ‘Metaverse UA 2022 – BIT-online конференція’
November 2022 | Dutch IT Channel | ‘Metaverse centraal tijdens Immersive Tech Week in Rotterdam’
November 2022 | Conference Matters | ‘Immersive Tech Week laat metaverse landen in Rotterdam’
November 2022 | Sharing Economy Association Japan | ‘アドバイザー就任のお知らせ’
October 2022 | Bloeise | ‘Rotterdam kloppend hart van de metaverse’
September 2022 | Wiley Online Library | ‘Taming Airbnb Locally: Analysing Regulations in Amsterdam, Berlin and London’
September 2022 | NH Nieuws | ‘Burgers aan het roer van de samenleving: de kracht van particuliere initiatieven’
August 2022 | Luxembourg government | ‘Comment promouvoir l’économie de partage au Luxembourg?’
July 2022 | Glasgow government | ‘Glasgow Joins Prestigious Ellen MacArthur Foundation’
June 2022 | Vlaanderen.be | ‘Eindrapport Green Deal 1 Gedeelde Mobiliteit’
May 2022 | City of Amsterdam | ‘Metaverse & Amsterdam’
May 2022 | Amsterdam Smart City | ‘Metaverse & Amsterdam’
May 2022 | Share North | ‘A Planner's Guide to the Shared Mobility Galaxy’
May 2022 | Norwich government | ‘Norwich economic strategy 2019-2024’
April 2022 | UN Enviroment Programme | ‘Promoting cycling in Copenhagen, Denmark’
March 2022 | Groener Wonen | ‘Duurzaam leven: van bezit naar gebruik’
March 2022 | Hitozukuri | ‘シェアリングシティの展望’
January 2022 | Futurium (European Commission) | ‘The Sharing Economy in Europe Developments, Practices, and Contradictions’
January 2022 | Springer | ‘From a Sharing Economy to a Platform Economy: Public Values in Shared Mobility and Gig Work in the Netherlands’
December 2021 | De Hooge Berkt | ‘We delen gewoon ons leven’
October 2021 | UN Habitat | ‘Innovate4Cities’
October 2021 | MPRA | ‘The Collaborative Economy in Action: European Perspectives’
September 2021 | PR Times | ‘一般社団法人シェアリングエコノミー協会’
September 2021 | Bosch Magyarország IoT Blog | ‘Ki az okosváros polgármestere, avagy mi is az a smart city?’
August 2021 | Microsoft | ‘Samen delen en samen spelen voor een duurzamere samenleving’
May 2021 | ScienceDirect | ‘The emergence of the sharing city: A systematic literature review to understand the notion of the sharing city and explore future research paths’
May 2021 | MDPI | ‘Digital Technologies for Urban Metabolism Efficiency: Lessons from Urban Agenda Partnership on Circular Economy’
May 2021 | Property Research Trust | ‘Regulating Short-Term Rentals Platform-based property rentals in European cities: the policy debates’
March 2021 | Sharing & The City | ‘Report ‘The Future of Sharing’’
March 2021 | Institute for Internet and the Just Society | ‘Digital Enablers of Sharing Economy’
February 2021 | SSOAR | ‘Exploring the Motivations of Suppliers in the Collaborative Economy: a Sustainability Approach’
January 2021 | ScienceDirect | ‘Governing the sharing economy: Towards a comprehensive analytical framework of municipal governance’
December 2020 | City of Ghent | ‘Ghent and its international networks’
November 2020 | Sharing & The City | ‘Roundtable on ‘Sharing Cities: Shaping Tomorrow’’
November 2020 | Istanbul Chamber of Industry | ‘Socio-Technical Innovation for Sustainability: Digitalisation and Circular Economy’
October 2020 | Knowledge Hub | ‘Amsterdam becomes a sharing city’
September 2020 | Blue Tulip Awards | ‘Cities & Communities’
August 2020 | Living Academy Creation | ‘Co-living For the Young:共享社会下的共享年轻社区设计’
August 2020 | MCD | ‘Aan de slag met deelmobiliteit!’
June - October 2020 | ULI Learning | webinar series | ‘Re:shaping Cities - post-pandemic perspectives’
June 2020 | Reflow | ‘Sharing Cities Alliance: fostering city to city learning’
May 2020 | City Futures Academy | ‘Cities and Consumption: Urban Sustainability and the Sharing Economy’
May 2020 | Lund University | MOOC | ‘Sharing Cities: governance and urban sustainability’
May 2020 | Green Life Buzz | ‘Towards Amsterdam Sharing City’
May 2020 | Technology Innovation Management Review | ‘Trust, Transparency and Security in the Sharing Economy: What is the Government's Role?’
May 2020 | Cairn | ‘La participation publique, avec ou sans les Civic Tech: ses histoires et ses défis’
May 2020 | UCLG CGLU | ‘Informe temático GOLD V sobre áreas metropolitanas’
April 2020 | Stimulus | ‘Innoveren en realiseren met impact’
April 2020 | Trinomics | ‘Quantifying the benefits of circular economy actions on the decarbonisation of EU economy’
April 2020 | Praktyka Teoretyczna | ‘Commoning in the digital era": platform cooperativism as a counter to cognitive capitalism’
March 2020 | ScienceDirect | ‘Sharing cities and citizens sharing: Perceptions and practices in Milan’
February 2020 | Natuur & Milieu | ‘Mobiliteitshubs’
January 2020 | Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences | ‘Resurseffektiva lokaler i Sverige' - Lokaldelning som norm’
January 2020 | Norfolk County Council | ‘Transforming cities’
December 2019 | SEO | research | ‘Keuzes in sociale zekerheid’
December 2019 | Pakhuis De Zwijger | ‘Toekomst van werk: het zekere voor het onzekere?’
December 2019 | Tilburg University | research | ‘Keuzes in sociale zekerheid’
December 2019 | Toerisme Provincie Oost-Vlaanderen | ‘Inspiratiedag’
December 2019 | La Administraction al dia | ‘Emerging urbanism and new forms of collaborative housing’
November 2019 | The Class of 2020 | Annual Trend Report 2020 | ‘Cities that share’ (p. 38-41)
November 2019 | Future Distributed | ‘Smart City Expo 2019 - 15 glorious takeaways’
November 2019 | Enterprise Europe Network | ‘keynote speech’
November 2019 | National Document Centre | ‘Sharing and Circular Economy’
November 2019 | Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico | ‘Hecho con Creative Commons’
November 2019 | Rijksoverheid | NL Digitaal | ‘Behoorlijk datagebruik in de openbare ruimte’
November 2019 | Dutch government | NL Digital | ‘Appropriate use of data in public space’
October 2019 | Sharing Cities Sweden | event | ‘Sharing Cities Summit’
October 2019 | IIIEE (Lund University) | Urban Sharing | ‘What happened at the Sharing Cities Summit?’
October 2019 | Enterprise Europe Network | ‘Meet the collaborative economy - EU-GIVE & BeShared final event’
October 2019 | Beleggers Belangen | ‘De toekomst van technologie'
October 2019 | CIMIC Intercultureel Management | research | ‘Senioren en deeleconomie te Mechelen’
October 2019 | IIIEE (Lund University) | ‘Urban Sharing in Gothenburg’
September 2019 | IIIEE (Lund University) | Urban Sharing | Sharing & the City | ‘Urban Sharing in Amsterdam’
September 2019 | Institute of Policy Studies | ‘Sharing initiatives and the sharing landscape in Singapore’
August 2019 | Sharing Economy Association Japan | ‘Sharing Economy Associations around the world’
Augustus 2019 | Norwich City Council | ‘Norwich economic strategy 2019-2024’
July 2019 | Journal of Business Ethics | ‘Envisioning the ‘Sharing City’: governance strategies for the sharing economy’
July 2019 | School of Architecture and the built environment | ‘Delningsekonomi’
July 2019 | Weconomize | ‘הרצאה / סדנה : ערים משתפות’
July 2019 | CTCI Foundation | 平台經濟興起對產業發展與資源使用的影響 - 財團法人中技社
June 2019 | Institute of Policy Studies | ‘IPS–MCCY Sharing City Workshop’
June 2019 | ‘6th International Workshop on the Sharing Economy’
June 2019 | New Economy & Social Innovation | research | ‘Guía local para una nueva economía’
June 2019 | Vlaanderen Circulair | ‘Juridische knelpunten bij circulaire economie projecten’
June 2019 | STARS | research | ‘Car sharing in Europe: a multidimensional classification and inventory’
June 2019 | Strathmore University | research | ‘Cross SACCO information sharing and collaboration environment’
March 2019 | Ellen MacArthur Foundation | ‘Amsterdam - El plan de accion de una economia compartida’
February 2019 | NPO Radio 1 | EenVandaag | radio | ‘Het voordeel van delen’
January 2019 | Assemblee Speakers | ‘Top 10 speakers for your event in 2019’
January 2019 | Manifesto | Interview Harmen van Sprang
December 2018 | Rabobank Magazine ‘Dichterbij’ | ‘De deeleconomie biedt kansen’
December 2018 | TEDx | Erasmus University Rotterdam | video | ‘Reframing freedom to move’
December 2018 | Biind | ‘Met smart mobility kunnen we problemen voorkomen'
December 2018 | NPO Radio 1 | podcast | ‘Steeds drukker op de weg, kan dat in 2019 anders?’
November 2018 | shareNL (now: Sentience) | research | ‘Automotive brands exploring alternatives for car ownership’ (infographic)
November 2018 | Verbond van Verzekeraars | ‘Met de klant naar een duurzame wereld? Doen!’
November 2018 | VNO-NCW West + Rabobank | video | ’Interview with Harmen van Sprang on mobility in the sharing economy’
November 2018 | The Platform Society | book | ‘Public Values in a Connective World’
November 2018 | ‘Sharing Cities Alliance: Athens together with 40 cities allied to address the shape of its shared economy’
November 2018 | ‘ColaborAmerica Medellin 2018’
November 2018 | LabGov City | ‘The Sharing City Declaration: How Cities are fighting the uncontrolled expansion of the Sharing Economy’
November 2018 | Thema | ‘Athens joins 40 cities signing declaration to address impact of Airnbnb on economy’
November 2018 | Ellen MacArthur Foundation | video | ‘System Reset’ (100,000+ views)
November 2018 | Parkeerbeheer Congres | event | ‘Keynote spreker Ananda Groag’
November 2018 | Verkeer in beeld | ‘Parkeerbeheer congres tijdens Vakbeurs Mobiliteit’
November 2018 | Verkeerskunde | ‘Mobiliteittrends vereisen een alternatief voor parkeerinkomsten’
November 2018 | Smart Cycling Futures | event | ‘Commoning mobility’
October 2018 | University of Amsterdam + shareNL (now: Sentience) | research | ‘Steering the Autonomous Car in the right direction’
October 2018 | NPO Radio 1 | ‘Je auto delen met de buurman. Is dat de toekomst?’
October 2018 | European Commission | event | ‘Collaborative Economy: opportunities, challenges, policies’
October 2018 | Het Financieele Dagblad (FD) | ‘Ook de massa moet nu aan de deelauto’
October 2018 | European Commission | event | ‘Digital Cities Challenge’
October 2018 | ProRail | ‘Millennials aan het woord tijdens het NRC Live event’
August 2018 | ‘De Eventmanager | ‘7 sprekers van Assemblee Speakers treden op’
August 2018 | Verkeersnet | ‘Files verminderen alleen als we ritten in zelfrijdende auto delen’
August 2018 | AutoleaseWereld | ‘Hoe sturen we de zelfrijdende auto de juiste richting op?’
July 2018 | Urban Sharing | ‘Team featured in Sharing Cities Magazine’
July 2018 | Duurzaamheid.nl | event | ‘NRC Live over mobiliteit (maart 2019)’
July 2018 | 'Business Region Goteborg | ‘A breakthrough for sharing and the circular economy’
June 2018 | Gemeente Utrecht | ‘12m2: concept deelhub’
June 2018 | The Netherlands and you | event | ‘Volvo Ocean Race | Smart City Seminar | Dutch speakers share their experiences based on circular economy principles’
June 2018 | Autodelen.net | ‘Gluren bij de buren: een terugblik’
June 2018 | RTLZ | ‘Parkeerproblemen bij nieuwbouw: 'Heeft iedereen recht op een auto?’’'
June 2018 | City of Dallas | ‘Sharing Cities Alliance meets with Dallas Office of Economic Development’
June 2018 | ResearchGate | ‘‘Sharing Cities: a new hype or true potential for sustainability transitions in urban and economic systems'?’
June 2018 | City of Gothenburg | event | ‘Take the lead in the race for smart and sustainable cities’
May 2018 | Randstad + shareNL (now: Sentience) | whitepaper | ‘The age of cities’
May 2018 | Shareable | ‘Share Japan: Letter from Shareable's Neal Gorenflo and ShareNL's Pieter van de Glind’
May 2018 | shareNL (now: Sentience) | ‘Waarom de Netflix voor auto’s niet bestaat en we toch kunnen afkicken van onze autoverslaving’
May 2018 | NRC | ‘Airbnb verbieden? Dat kan dus’
April 2018 | Sharing Cities Sweden | event | ‘Sharing Cities Sweden Launch Event’
April 2018 | ISU | ‘Lanseringsevent för det nationella programmet Sharing Cities Sweden’
April 2018 | Hertie School of Governance | podcast | ‘Pieter van de Glind on future of the sharing economy’
March 2018 | Sharing Cities Symposium | event | ‘Sharing Cities, Shaping Cities’
March 2018 | Happy Mobility | ‘Wat is de toekomst voor auto’s in de stad?’
March 2018 | shareNL (now: Sentience) | ‘Cities and self driving cars’
February 2018 | book | ‘Uber voor Alles’
February 2018 | Share NORTH | ‘Green Deal Day: Making Car-Sharing More Visible in Dutch Cities and Policy’
February 2018 | The Food Office | ‘Is het einde van het bedrijfsrestaurant voorbij?’
February 2018 | Shareable | ‘11 core principles for sharing cities’
January 2018 | Tweede Kamer | ‘Rondetafelgesprek Deeleconomie’
January 2018 | shareNL (now: Sentience) | ‘A future with AI: human form of tech’
January 2018 | Het Financieele Dagblad (FD) | ‘Airbnb wil overkoepelende overeenkomst met gemeenten sluiten’
2018 | Magazyn Miasta Cities Magazine | ‘Sharing? It should be obvious nowadays - Interview with Harmen van Sprang’
December 2017 | World Economic Forum | ‘How Can Cities Leverage the Potential of the ‘Sharing Economy’?’
December 2017 | Scottish Government | ‘Expert Advisory Panel on the Collaborative Economy’
December 2017 | shareNL (now: Sentience) | ‘A future with AI (II)’
November 2017 | shareNL (now: Sentience) | ‘A future with AI (I)’
November 2017 | Trouw | ‘De zelfrijdende auto dreigt ons met een gigantisch verkeersprobleem op te zadelen’
October 2017 | United Nations Economic Commission for Europe | event | ‘Team of Specialists on Innovation and Competitiveness Policies’
October 2017 | University of Amsterdam | event | ‘Reshaping Work in the Platform Economy (University of Amsterdam / shareNL)’
October 2017 | Amsterdam Smart City | event | ‘Collaborative Economy & Artificial Intelligence’
October 2017 | shareNL (now: Sentience) | ‘Japanese delegation visits the Netherlands to learn about sharing economy’
December 2017 | World Economic Forum | ‘Collaboration in Cities: From Sharing to ‘Sharing Economy’
December 2017 | Adformatie | ‘Sandd: een fysiek bezorgnetwerk omgevormd tot digitaal ecosysteem’
November 2017 | Seats2Meet Magazine | ‘Expert Selection: The Collaborative Economy’
November 2017 | Sharing Economy Association Japan | event | ‘Share or die’
October 2017 | shareNL (now: Sentience) | event | ‘The recipe for a future with artificial intelligence and sharing/platform economy’
October 2017 | Pakhuis De Zwijger | event | ‘Collaborative Economy & Artificial Intelligence’
October 2017 | shareNL (now: Sentience) | ‘Amsterdam Sharing City Trip 2017’
October 2017 | PretWerk | ‘Westtoer zoomt in op vijf toeristische trends’
September 2017 | Kolumbus | ‘Friheten til å bevege seg’
September 2017 | Smart City Hub | ‘Are smart cities also sharing cities?’
September 2017 | De Volkskrant | ‘Aantal deelauto's in Nederland fors gestegen, maar doelstelling nog lang niet gehaald’
July 2017 | Ouishare | event | ‘Governing sharing cities: a comparative case study of nine European cities’
July 2017 | Center for Liveable Cities | ‘From sharing economy to sharing society’
July 2017 | Amsterdam Economic Board | ‘Digitale paardenkracht: ‘Iedereen aan de MaaS’?’
July 2016 | NRC Live | ‘De deeleconomie’
June 2017 | ResearchGate | ‘Political economies and environmental futures for the sharing economy’
June 2017 | Gotham Gazette | ‘As Cities Wrestle with the ‘Sharing Economy,’ A New Alliance’
June 2017 | Vance | ‘Samen delen, samen spelen’: Dit zijn de drie voordelen die jij uit een deeleconomie haalt’
June 2017 | Hospitalitynet | ‘The sharing economy is just the beginning for the change in business travel’
June 2017 | UrbanLand | ‘World Economic Forum Sees the Future of Global Cities in Inclusivity, Mindfulness, and Sharing’
June 2017 | NRC | ‘Scheurtjes in de deeleconomie’
June 2017 | NRC | ‘Belastingdienst weet zich geen raad met de online deeleconomie’
June 2017 | Ecomm | event | ‘De toekomst van mobiliteit vanuit het perspectief van de deeleconomie’
June 2017 | European Platform on Mobility Management | ‘Inspiring keynote speakers at ECOMM 2017’
June 2017 | shareNL (now: Sentience) | event | ‘Collaborative economy & Internet of Things’
June 2017 | shareNL (now: Sentience) | ‘Collaborative (or: sharing) economy & Internet of Things: meetup Tuesday 13th’
June 2017 | shareNL (now: Sentience) | ‘Internet of Things takes the sharing economy to the next level’
June 2017 | shareNL | ‘Collaborative economy appearing on everyone’s agenda’
June 2017 | shareNL (now: Sentience) | ‘Experiencing the sharing economy: Lena Fashion Library’
June 2017 | shareNL (now: Sentience) | ‘The key to unlocking sharing cities’
June 2017 | shareNL (now: Sentience) | ‘Sharing Cities Alliance: connecting cities, connected citizens’
June 2017 | shareNL (now: Sentience) | ‘Electric car sharing: not the best combination… yet’
June 2017 | shareNL (now: Sentience) | ‘Aanknopingspunten op Rathenau rapport ‘Eerlijk Delen’’
May 2017 | shareNL (now: Sentience) | ‘A smart city is a sharing city’
May 2017 | shareNL (now: Sentience) | ‘What can we learn from 50 years Witkar: an early car sharing concept?’
May 2017 | shareNL (now: Sentience) | ‘Experiencing the sharing economy: CampToo’
May 2017 | shareNL (now: Sentience) | ‘Amsterdam Sharing City: a diverse collaborative economy ecosystem beyond the traditional examples’
May 2017 | shareNL (now: Sentience) | ‘Play in the city with everything there is’
May 2017 | shareNL (now: Sentience) | ‘The future of mobility: the freedom to move’
May 2017 | KRO NCRV | Brandpunt+ | video | ‘Deel en Heers’
May 2017 | Het Financieele Dagblad (FD) | ‘Reguleer bedrijven in deeleconomie voordat ze te groot worden’
May 2017 | Joe Ferrell | ‘Amsterdam is developing a sharing economy’
May 2017 | City of Amsterdam | video | ’Sharing Economy in Amsterdam’
May 2017 | Seoul Solution | ‘Launching of the ‘Sharing Cities Alliance’’
May 2017 | Airbnb Citizen | ‘De deeleconomie als gereedschapskist voor verbetering steden’
May 2017 | Reinvent | podcast | ‘Mayors, cities, and sharing - oh my!’
May 2017 | Seoul Metropolitan Government | ‘Launching of the ‘Sharing Cities Alliance’’
April 2017 | Huffington Post | ’The Collaborative and Sharing Economy in Amsterdam’
April 2017 | Huffington Post | ’Forget Uber, Amsterdam is showing how to use the sharing economy for good’
April 2017 | Forbes | ’The Sharing Economy: Innovation vs. Regulation’
April 2017 | Inverse | ’How the Dutch capital became the world's first sharing city’
April 2017 | Apolitical | ’Amsterdam harnesses the sharing economy for social good’
April 2017 | shareNL | ‘Urban developer BPD advances the sharing economy’
April 2017 | Circle Knowledge | ‘Amsterdam Sharing City - Collaboration platform for the sharing economy’
April 2017 | SMTC | ‘Sharing economy and sustainable tourism’
March 2017 | Reinvent | video | ’Looking at the Sharing Economy as a Toolbox to Improve Cities’
March 2017 | De Nederlandse Associatie | ‘shareNL als gamechanger: tips voor durvers’
March 2017 | Pakhuis De Zwijger | event | ‘Collaborative economy & blockchain’
March 2017 | New Art West Midlands | ‘Antonio Roberts Reports from The Arts in a Digital World Summit, Montreal’
March 2017 | City of Gothenburg | ‘Sharing Cities’
February 2017 | BPD | ’Gebiedsontwikkelaar BPD verdiept deeleconomie’
February 2017 | Autodelen.info | ‘Projectontwikkelaar BPD verkent deeleconomie en deelmobiliteit’
February 2017 | shareNL (now: Sentience) | ’Gebiedsontwikkelaar BPD verdiept deeleconomie’
January 2017 | shareNL (now: Sentience) | ’The art of Sharing: a 21st century mindset we should teach our children’
January 2017 | shareNL (now: Sentience) | ’7 Reasons why your city wants to become a Sharing City’
January 2017 | shareNL (now: Sentience) | ’Reframing scarcity to abundance’
January 2017 | shareNL (now: Sentience) | ‘Reframing scarcity to abundance’
January 2017 | shareNL (now: Sentience) | ’Over overvloed en delen’
January 2017 | shareNL (now: Sentience) | ’Recap of recent shareNL meetup with City of Amsterdam, De Volkskrant, Sandd, Jeremiah Owyang and startups’
2017 | Blockchain Projects | ‘Internationale samenwerking shareNL’
December 2016 | Apolitical | ’Amsterdam has created a free Airbnb for city-owned buildings’
December 2016 | City of Amsterdam | ’Amsterdam and Airbnb announce new unique agreement’
December 2016 | Vice Versa | ’Thuiskoks, gedeelde auto's en buurtklussers: de opmars van het 'prosumentisme'
December 2016 | Council for the Environment and Infrastructure | ‘Opportunities for improving accessibility in urban regions’
December 2016 | The New York Code + Design Academy | ‘5 reasons why we love Amsterdam’
December 2016 | Marketing Tribune | ‘PIM Marketing Literatuurprijs’
December 2016 | Merkwaardige Boeken | ‘PIM Marketing Literatuurprijs 2016’
December 2016 | Platform Innovatie Marketing | ‘PIM Marketing Literatuur Prijs 2016’
December 2016 | Vastgoedjournaal | ‘De deeleconomie van woonruimte: vloek of (de) zegen (voorbij)?’
November 2016 | shareNL (now: Sentience) | ’Big differences between municipalities when it comes to parking for shared cars’
November 2016 | shareNL (now: Sentience) | ’How the Finns outsmart us’
November 2016 | shareNL (now: Sentience) | guest blog | ’To share or not to share’
November 2016 | shareNL (now: Sentience) | ’A road Trip from the hard 'G' (Dutch) to the soft 'G' (Flemish); From Groningen to Ghent’
November 2016 | shareNL (now: Sentience) | ’The Collaborative Economy: More than just the big players’
November 2016 | shareNL (now: Sentience) | ’Fairbnb: Time for a Truly Collaborative Short-stay rental platform?’
November 2016 | Stedebouw & architectuur | ‘Verschil in parkeertarieven deelauto's onlogisch’
November 2016 | Nesta | ’How Amsterdam is developing a collaborative economy that works for everyone’
November 2016 | Movmi | ‘What women in shared mobility think of the future of carsharing’
October 2016 | Amsterdam Smart City | ’Sharing Economy’
October 2016 | ImpactHub | ’The Sharing Economy - Interview with Harmen van Sprang’
September 2016 | shareNL (now: Sentience) | ’Breadfunds and the Rise of Truly Shared Insurance’
September 2016 | Environmental innovation and societal transitions | ‘Sharing for people, planet or profit? Analysing motivations for intended sharing economy participation’
September 2016 | Economia do compartilhamento | ‘Amsterdam - Cidade do Compartilhamento’
September 2016 | A city made by people | ’Amsterdam as a Sharing Economy frontrunner - the good, the bad and the ugly’
September 2016 | Peer Value Conference | video | ’Panel talk by Harmen van Sprang about Amsterdam Sharing City’
September 2016 | MyWheels | ‘MyWheels aanwezig bij shareNL Symposium Autodelen 2016’
September 2016 | Platform Beter Benutten | event | ‘Symposium Autodelen’
August 2016 | University of Amsterdam - Faculty of Humanities | ‘A mixed-method approach to startup ecosystems’
August 2016 | Barqo | ‘Boten liggen voor 92% aan wal’
August 2016 | Techvibes | ‘What Makes a City Suitable For a Sharing Economy?’
June 2016 | shareNL (now: Sentience) | ’The Sharing City Recipe: what is the secret ingredient?’
June 2016 | Het Financieele Dagblad (FD) | ‘Overheden worstelen met het nieuwe delen’
May 2016 | Lendogram | ‘A tale of two cities: Amsterdam and Taipei’
May 2016 | Book | ’The Emergence of the Urban Entrepreneur: How the Growth of Cities and the Sharing Economy Are Driving a New Breed of Innovators’
May 2016 | Strategic Policy Forum on Digital Entrepreneurship | ‘Blueprint for cities and regions as launch pads for digital transformation’
May 2016 | Professional Rebel | ’1-on-1 with Harmen van Sprang and Pieter van de Glind: the Sharing Rebels’
May 2016 | Marketing Facts | video | ‘De deeleconomie is de hype voorbij’
April 2016 | City of Amsterdam | ’Sharing Economy Action Plan’
April 2016 | De Telegraaf | ‘Vertrouwen als munt’
March 2016 | Bol.com | book | ‘Share - Kansen en uitdagingen van de deeleconomie’
March 2016 | Bruna | book | ‘Share - Kansen en uitdagingen van de deeleconomie’
March 2016 | Libris | book | ‘Share - Kansen en uitdagingen van de deeleconomie’
March 2016 | Jongbloed | book | ‘Share - Kansen en uitdagingen van de deeleconomie’
March 2016 | AKO | book | ‘Share - Kansen en uitdagingen van de deeleconomie’
March 2016 | YouBeDo | book | ‘Share - Kansen en uitdagingen van de deeleconomie’
March 2016 | Managementboek | book | ‘Share - Kansen en uitdagingen van de deeleconomie’
March 2016 | MaRS | ‘Shifting perspectives: redesigning regulation for the sharing economy’
March 2016 | Young Marketing | ’Amsterdam, la primera 'Sharing City' de Europa’
February 2016 | City of Melbourne | ‘Why Sharing Cities make sense for a prosperous and sustainable future’
February 2016 | De Volkskrant | ‘Te huur: twee rechterhanden’
January 2016 | Marketing Facts | ‘Het ecosysteem van de deeleconomie’
2016 | Circulaire Economie Nederland | ‘Grondstoffenakkoord’
2016 | Sharing Economy Association Japan | ‘Amsterdam Sharing City’
2016 | Iamsterdam | ’Mobility in the Shared Economy’
2016 | Iamsterdam | ‘Amsterdam Sharing City - Interview with Harmen van Sprang’
2016 | Maatschapwij | ’&shareNL’
2016 | Duurzame Jonge 100 | ‘Pieter van de Glind’
2015 | Spacer | ‘Sharing is caring – lessons from Amsterdam, the world’s first shareable city’
2015 | Green (Living) Review | ‘Towards Amsterdam Sharing City’
December 2015 | shareNL (now: Sentience) | research | ’Innovation in the Collaborative Economy’
December 2015 | shareNL (now: Sentience) | research | ‘Onderzoek concludeert: potentie deeleconomie beter benutten’
December 2015 | shareNL (now: Sentience) | research | ’Collaborative Economy: Environmental Impact and Opportunities’
December 2015 | shareNL (now: Sentience) | research | ‘Onderzoek toont impact deeleconomie op duurzaamheid’
December 2015 | De Volkskrant | ‘Deeleconomie is in praktijk niet altijd even duurzaam’
December 2015 | NRC | ‘Stel DigiD open voor deeleconomie-bedrijven’
December 2015 | Duurzaam Bedrijfsleven | ‘De deeleconomie heeft niet altijd een positieve impact op het milieu. In sommige gevallen is er zelfs een negatieve impact’
December 2015 | Pakhuis De Zwijger | event | ‘Deeleconomie en financiering’
November 2015 | Book | ’Sharing Cities: A Case for Truly Smart and Sustainable Cities’
November 2015 | European Urban Knowledge Network | ‘The civic economy: opportunities and challenges for European Cities’
October 2015 | shareNL (now: Sentience) | ’Opportunities and challenges for European Cities: 'Amsterdam Sharing City'
October 2015 | RTL Nieuws | ‘Niemand betaalt belasting over inkomsten Airbnb’
September 2015 | NPO Radio 1 | radio | ‘Interview Harmen van Sprang & Pieter van de Glind’
September 2015 | New York Times | ’Sharing Economy Goes Hyperlocal With a Growing Market for Household Items’
September 2015 | De Volkskrant | ‘NightSwapping, nog beter dan Airbnb?’
August 2015 | El Dia | ‘Amsterdam, primera ciudad europea en economía colaborativa’
June 2015 | OECD | event | ‘OECD Forum 2015’
June 2015 | Sodalitas | | event | ‘World Expo Milano: Last call to Europe 2020’
June 2015 | Brabantse Milieufederatie | ‘Green Deal: over drie jaar honderdduizend deelauto’s in Nederland’
June 2015 | MyWheels | ‘Over drie jaar honderdduizend deelauto’s in Nederland’
June 2015 | Natuur- en Milieufederatie Flevoland | ‘Over drie jaar honderdduizend deelauto’s in Nederland’
June 2015 | AARP | ‘Today’s Older Adults: Experienced Enough to Enjoy the Sharing Economy’
May 2015 | The Guardian | ‘Smarter regulation for the sharing economy’
May 2015 | Ouishare | video | ’Panel talk Harmen van Sprang about Amsterdam Sharing City’
April 2015 | BlogThinkBig | ‘Sharing city: colaboración vs tecnología’
April 2015 | Emerce | ‘Deeleconomie zit in de lift’
March 2015 | De Volkskrant | ‘Uber-Pop chauffeur krijgt het benauwd’
March 2015 | Idealista | ‘Amsterdam, 'sharing city': la ciudad donde la colaboración importa más que la tecnología’
March 2015 | CorCom | ’Amsterdam la prima 'Sharing City' d'Europa’
February 2015 | Smart Cities Library | ‘Amsterdam Sharing City Platform’
February 2015 | Social Enterprise NL | ‘Amsterdam tweede deeleconomie ter wereld’
February 2015 | The Sharing Tower | ’What about Amsterdam as the First European 'Sharing City’’
February 2015 | Platform Social Business | ‘Amsterdam start met Sharing City’
February 2015 | Charter for Compassion | ‘Amsterdam is Now Europe’s First Sharable City’
February 2015 | Shareable | ’Amsterdam is Now Europe's First Named 'Sharing City’’
February 2015 | shareNL (now: Sentience) | ’Amsterdam Europe's first Sharing City’
February 2015 | Silicon Canals | ‘Amsterdam moet Europese hoofdstad voor deeleconomie startups worden’
February 2015 | BNR | radio | ‘BNR Eyeopeners’
February 2015 | shareNL (now: Sentience) + Achmea + TruePrice | ‘4 miljoen euro maatschappelijke impact door te delen’
January 2015 | Marketing Facts | ‘De waarden van de deeleconomie’
January 2015 | shareNL (now: Sentience) | research | ’Collaborative Economy Ecosystem’
December 2014 | Het Parool | ‘Is de deeleconomie oude wijn in nieuwe zakken?’
November 2014 | Marketing Facts | ‘Een verscherpte definitie van de deeleconomie’
October 2014 | Ellen MacArthur Foundation | Disruptive Innovation Festival | video | ’Amsterdam Exploring the Sharing City’
October 2014 | Aftersales Magazine | ‘Leasebranche als de mobiliteitsprovider’
October 2014 | Amsterdam FM | ‘Wordt delen de toekomst?’
October 2015 | Jan Bletz | ‘Deeleconomie is geen trend maar een transitie’
December 2014 | The Optimist | ‘Heerlijk zullen we alles delen’
December 2014 | Steden in Transitie | ‘Collaborative Consumption’
October 2014 | Nudge | ‘Deeleconomie gaat volgende groeifase in’
September 2014 | Forum PA | ‘Da Amsterdam Sharing City qualche "dritta" per il Collaborative Territories Toolkit a #SCE2014’
September 2014 | Sprout | ‘Sharing economy": samen spelen, samen delen’
June 2014 | Het Financieele Dagblad (FD) | ‘Delen, het nieuwe statussymbool?’
June 2014 | Platform Social Business | ‘Interview Harmen van Sprang van ShareNL over de deeleconomie’
June 2014 | MKB Servicedesk | 'De nieuwe generatie wil geen boor, maar een gat in de muur'
June 2014 | Janneke Willemse | video | ‘Harmen van Sprang (shareNL) over de deeleconomie’
June 2014 | 7 Ditches TV | video | ‘Harmen van Sprang (shareNL): In de deeleconomie is een boor geen product maar een service’
June 2014 | De Ondernemer | ‘Straks ga je je hond delen’
June 2014 | Cobouw | ‘Onderling capaciteit uitwisselen versterkt bedrijventerreinen’
April 2014 | Adformatie | ‘Bezoek 50+ innovatieve bedrijven tijdens OpenCo Amsterdam’
March 2014 | Society 3.0 | video | ’Seven reasons why Amsterdam will be a Sharing City’
March 2014 | MoneyLab | video | ‘Coining Alternatives’
March 2014 | Adformatie | ‘De deeleconomie is op volle toeren’
February 2014 | De Telegraaf | ‘Sociale ondernemers in opmars’
February 2014 | Collaborative Consumption | ’Amsterdam Embraces Sharing Economy’
2014 | Sprout | ‘Er valt nog veel angst te overwinnen’
December 2013 | Finipedia | ‘Huren, lenen en delen: innovatieterrein voor verzekeraars’
November 2013 | Snappcar | ‘Startup Tour’
November 2013 | MT Magazine | ‘5x: Waarom de deeleconomie een hype is’
October 2013 | JuulMartin.nl | ‘Onderzoek deeleconomie: bereidheid delen zeer hoog’
September 2013 | European Social and Economic Committee | event | ‘Collaborative Economy’
August 2013 | shareNL (now: Sentience) | research | ’The Consumer Potential of the Collaborative Consumption’
April 2013 | Snappcar | ‘Launch shareNL in De Balie’